Rated Players/Teams

Platinum Sports SA utilizes a panel of referees, players, and directors to help categorize high level players or to ensure teams are in the appropriate division. The goal is to help ensure a fair makeup of teams in the respective divisions and for the safety of the players. Determination of a categorized player or team is up to the panel’s discretion and is based on skill level such as attack, serve, pass, and setting skills.

REALIZE that NOT all players who are at an advanced or bubble level are listed here, we may not know they are advanced until we see them play or because of other factors, but we will try our best to add prior to a season start date. Teams and players are expected to follow the restrictions (regardless if the player is listed here or not) or will be moved to the appropriate division and/or may be penalized points or forfeitures. 

CHANGES may be made at any time. It is the responsibility of the team, captain, and players to monitor these listings for updates and additions/deletions. 


*Multiple Advanced male or female players allowed in Advanced and Reverse Coed Rated Players Divisions
*Advanced MODIFIED - Limited to ONE ADVANCED rated male POSITION (for Men's/Coed teams) or female (for Women's teams) POSITION on the team per set. Basically an Advanced Player can only sub in for another advanced player in ONE spot in the team’s lineup. Ex: Adv player1 plays 3 rotations in front row, then AdvPlayer 2 subs for AdvPlayer 1 and plays AdvPlayer 1's back row for 3 rotations.
*Multiple Advanced females allowed in Coed 1Bubble and higher Coed divisions and Men’s Rated divisions.
*All Advanced rated players limited to playing with only ONE TEAM during PLAYOFFS


*NO male Bubble Players allowed in Coed A, B, or C NOR in Men’s No Rated Players.
*1Bubble - Limited to ONE BUBBLE rated male POSITION (for Men's/Coed teams) or female (for Women's teams) POSITION on the team per set. Basically a Bubble Player can only sub in for another Bubble player in ONE spot in the team’s lineup. Ex: BubblePlayer1 plays 3 rotations in front row, then BubblePlayer2 subs for BubblePlayer1 and plays BubblePlayer1's back row for 3 rotations.
*Multiple male Bubble players allowed in Men's/Reverse Coed Rated and Coed BUBBLE/BUBBLE++ and higher levels
*Multiple female Bubble players allowed in Coed A and higher, any Men’s divisions, Reverse Coed Rated and in Women’s Advanced Modified and higher