League General Info
Register a team or as a FREE AGENT: http://platinumsportssa.leagueapps.com/
Player responsibilities include reading Platinum Sports SA Rules. WARNING! Risk of injury/death from flying objects, equipment, or players incidental to the sport of volleyball may occur at this event. Attend at your own risk (includes players and spectators) as we have no liability. Please pay close attention to your surroundings and be on alert at all times, especially during active play.
These premises are not monitored to ensure the security of personal property of participants or attendees at our events. You are responsible for the security of your own belongings. The event organizers nor facility shall have no liability for any theft or damages.
Team/Captain Responsibilities
*Check the schedules & scoresheet and initial it after EVERY MATCH for accuracy. Win/loss tallies are taken from the scoresheets so if those are incorrect then the win/loss tally will be incorrect too. Schedules change so be sure to check online for the LATEST schedule.
*Check the Win/Loss tallies EVERY WEEK for accuracy. Once seeding has occurred for playoffs it is too late to make any changes. These are posted online for all to view at our website on the page where a team views the schedule.
*ONLY CAPTAINS or acting captains are allowed to approach the Referee with any questions, clarifications, or appeals. Verbal abuse or similar towards our refs or if non-captains (this includes players and their fans) approach/direct aggressive comments to our referees this will result in a yellow card warning and then a red card loss of point and match ejection by the offending parties if it continues.
*Occasionally we receive special time requests (i.e, late match times, a bye week, no 7PM, etc.). We try our best to honor time requests but know we cannot accommodate every request. We will not accept a request for “all early times all season”.
*Rarely will we need to schedule a two match wait time in between a team’s two matches for the night (other than playoffs). It does happen so have your team be prepared if your team must sit out two matches.
*We keep track of ONLY the 1045 match times and attempt to limit that to a maximum two times a season NOT counting playoffs (excludes teams requesting late match times). Your team might have multiple 915 or 10pm match times since we only track 1045. Special time requests will likely mean more late match times. Your team must be willing to play all match times we assign in order to continue in the leagues, notify us immediately if your team cannot meet this requirement and must drop out.
*If an issue arises at leagues, immediately bring it to your referee’s attention or to our League Director on the premises, usually Brad Baxter (do NOT call/text Brenda/Anita unless directed by Brad). Waiting until the match is over or after everyone’s gone home will be too late for resolution.
Seasons are usually 6 weeks long (League Dates for the Year), 10 matches plus playoff night for ALL teams. Teams select/are placed in divisions based on skill level. Review our Platinum Sports SA Rules for descriptions. Each team will have double-header matches for the first 5 weeks (each match is best out of 3 sets) for a total 10 matches of league play plus the single (sometimes double) elimination playoff tourney the 6th week. At times we will have shorter seasons which results in a lower team fee, fewer matches, and they will be advertised as such.
When and Where:
Coed/Reverse Coed Leagues matches @ MCSP are on Monday evenings. We may also host Coed on Thursday evenings if we have court space for Coed C and B divisions. Women’s Leagues & Men’s Leagues matches @ MCSP are mainly on Thursday nights with occasionally another night thrown in the mix. Occasionally we add FRIDAY night leagues for Coed, Women’s, or Men’s. Matches on all nights except Friday @ MCSP will be played between 7-11:30PM. Friday night matches are between 7-10PM. Match times are 7, 745, 830, 915, 10 & 1045 each match lasting 45 minutes. All matches are best out of three sets: two sets to 21 (cap at 23) and one set to 15 (cap at 17) if needed. Mission Concepcion Sports Park, (MCSP) is located at 714 E. Theo, San Antonio, TX.
Team Deposit Amount & Deadline: DEPOSIT (USUALLY $120) is due no later than 5PM TWO DAYS before the league starts and if we fill up the deposit will be due SOONER. Teams paying the deposit after the deadline will most likely be placed on a waitlist or scheduled for a BYE the first week.
Early Bird Price & Deadline: The Early Bird Price (USUALLY $360 for 10 matches + playoffs lasting 6 weeks) varies depending on the number of weeks a particular season lasts. Early bird price is charged if paid in full by the day AFTER the FIRST night of league (the deposit counts toward your team’s price). FOR EXACT PRICES/DEADLINES check the “Teams, Schedules, & Standings” for a particular division: Coed, Women’s, or Men’s
Regular Team Price & Deadline: The Regular Team Price (Usually $380 for 10 matches + playoffs lasting 6 weeks) varies depending on the number of weeks a particular season lasts. Regular Team Price is charged if early bird price is not paid in full by the deadline (the deposit counts toward your team’s price). FOR EXACT PRICES/DEADLINES check the “Teams, Schedules, & Standings” for a particular division: Coed, Women’s, or Men’s
Late Fee and Team Cancellation: If the entire team balance is not paid in full by the Regular Deadline (usually by midnight the day after the 2nd night of league), then a 10% late fee (minimum $10) will be added to the balance due and the entire balance must be paid by 5PM the day after the Regular Deadline. We may also impose points penalties in future matches. If the entire balance plus late fees are still not paid, then the team may be dropped from the leagues plus any penalties listed below in “Team Withdrawing After Leagues Begin”. Teams who continue to show a disregard for prompt payments will be required to pay the entire team fee the following season at the time when the team REGISTERS in league apps. If payment is not made at the time of registration, the team will be dropped.
Team Withdrawing After Leagues Begin: Team captains who drop out of leagues after week one will be required to pay the entire team fee (usually $360) PRIOR to the start of leagues (when deposits are due) for the next season that the same team captain registers a team for in our leagues. This applies to any team registered by the same team captain for any of the league nights or league divisions. If the team captain then decides to drop their team again after paying the entire team fee upfront, then all monies will be forfeited (no refund).
Refunds/Credits: If a team wishes to cancel out of leagues, 100% of all monies paid can be refunded or credited to the captain if we are notified PRIOR to the Deposit Deadline. After that if a team wishes to cancel or is dropped then a prorated amount MAY be refunded/credited based on court/referee time we have paid for on behalf of the team, the number of matches played, and any late fees. Exception: once the 3rd week schedules have been released, only credit MAY be given towards a future Platinum Sports SA event if the team is in good standing. This is at the discretion of the Director.
Free Agents: Free Agents do not pay until they are picked up by a team.
Captains and FREE AGENTS can REGISTER HERE. Teams are required to list a minimum of EIGHT players on their rosters to include regular players and subs with a maximum of TWELVE players listed. Captains must follow the RATED PLAYER rules when forming teams. Captains must submit a Platinum Sports SA Waiver/Roster Online Form (the form opens after the current season is completed) usually after the 2nd night of leagues or incur a team penalty. No changes are allowed after the roster submittal deadline. Rosters are posted at League Team Rosters.
What do I win:
USUALLY League Division Champs t-shirts will be awarded to the winners of each league division after the 5th week. Playoff Winners are awarded medals. Mini-leagues are awarded medals.